Friday, July 9, 2010

Fishing, or something like it....

It's summer, beautiful weather, and not much to do - so I went to Wal-Mart and bought a rod & reel, a small tackle box, and some bait (nightcrawlers).  I must've had a few looks while walking through the store carrying my fishing pole and wearing pink flip flops!  But I didn't care, I was proud of myself. So I went out to my cousin's pond, got my hook and my bait on my line and sent the first cast.  On the second cast I caught a pretty decent sized bass.  Then my string got all messed up.  Thankfully my brother and his sweet dog Dozier came to the rescue!  While he was fixing me up I took a few pics......

By the way, I won't be wearing flip-flops on my next fishing trip.  I got more ant bites on my feet than I caught fish!  Ouch!

Even though I'm a girlie-girl, I love to be outdoors!  It's so peaceful and relaxing.  I'm sure that's where I'll be again this coming Sunday.  That's where I do my best prayin'.... 
