Friday, January 30, 2009

4th Pic...

My fourth pic in My Pictures folder..... This is Annemarie Grace, my boss's daughter. She just had her 3rd b-day. She is a little darling, and she likes to come visit us girls at the office during the week. I love spending time with her and actually get to babysit sometimes. She is very smart, and lots of fun to play with. I love you, Annemarie!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday, Monday....

Today I have the Monday Blues, or, if you look outside you might say Monday Grays. It is cold, wet, and cold....oh, I already said that. Lucie didn't even want to get up this morning. I wish I could say I'm looking forward to the work week, but I would be lying. This is one of those days in the office where everyone is working quietly; trying not to stray too far from our little heaters buzzing by our feet. I'm supposed to be leaving for lunch, but right now I'm wishing I had brought my lunch so I wouldn't have to brave the cold and rain...and there is more bad weather to come....

Monday, January 19, 2009

List of Goals...for now & always

Ok, I haven't had much time to get on here after posting my very first message...pitiful, I know. January has been very cold, but today was an absolutely beautiful day (and a holiday for most of you). It's too bad I had to work though. I went home at lunch, and put Lucie on her leash to walk her outside a bit. We walked lazily in the backyard with the sun streaming through the trees. I began to daydream of laying on the grass and reading my book the rest of the afternoon. But, duty calls! I reluctantly began walking Lucie towards the front door when I felt a tug at the strap in my hand. When I turned, Lucie had layed down on her stomach in the grass. (I guess we both had the same idea; except for reading ofcourse.) She looked at me with pleading eyes to let her stay out in the warm, sunny air. I laughed and rubbed her belly. I understand, honey. I took a few minutes to let her roll around, then forced myself (and Lucie) back to reality.

So, now the work day is almost done, and I think I should type out my list of goals before I leave for the day. I think I will tell how I'm doing at achieving these throughout the year. We will see how it goes....

1. Read my Bible daily

2. Make designated time for prayer/Meditate

3. Eat healthier/Exercise/Yoga

4. Volunteer my time to needy

5. Get a passport

6. Attend church regularly

7. Continue to (attempt to) train Lucie

8. Tithe regularly

9. Catch up bills/Save money

10. Create! (paint, draw, crafts)

11. Shop local farmers produce

12. Grow herbs (and try not to kill them)

13. Shop resale furniture to help fill up my house

14. Get organized! Haha - this is every year!

Ok, so this is not in any order, and I've actually started some of these already. I need to go and meet my friend to walk now.....