Monday, August 23, 2010

30 - It's Nothing to Wine About!!

Summer is my favorite time of year.  First - it's hot and that means swimming & sunshine!  Second - my birthday!!  And let me tell you my family and friends have done it up right this year!  I'm a very happy girl with all the love and attention they've shown me this month!  And it just keeps on going!!  So, even though I turned the BIG 3-0 this year, I have to say I'm feeling good about it and not looking back!

This past weekend my girlfriends threw me a "winery - themed" party at my friend's lake house down at Caddo Lake. It is absolutely beautiful there, and one of my favorite places of all times. We had a blast!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Fishing, or something like it....

It's summer, beautiful weather, and not much to do - so I went to Wal-Mart and bought a rod & reel, a small tackle box, and some bait (nightcrawlers).  I must've had a few looks while walking through the store carrying my fishing pole and wearing pink flip flops!  But I didn't care, I was proud of myself. So I went out to my cousin's pond, got my hook and my bait on my line and sent the first cast.  On the second cast I caught a pretty decent sized bass.  Then my string got all messed up.  Thankfully my brother and his sweet dog Dozier came to the rescue!  While he was fixing me up I took a few pics......

By the way, I won't be wearing flip-flops on my next fishing trip.  I got more ant bites on my feet than I caught fish!  Ouch!

Even though I'm a girlie-girl, I love to be outdoors!  It's so peaceful and relaxing.  I'm sure that's where I'll be again this coming Sunday.  That's where I do my best prayin'.... 


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

You Are What You Eat

I'm so excited!! I received my new Blendtec Total Blender in the mail today!!! This thing is bad, let me tell you! It will blend up rocks if you want it to! Not that I plan on making concrete with it but it's just that powerful! Actually, what I plan to do with this fancy-schmancy doo dad is get myself healthy! I've been looking at blenders and juicers for a while now. I always wanted to try detoxing, so here's my chance. You see, I'm addicted to carbs. No really, it's a serious condition. I love to eat bad foods, but bad food is what it is - BAD FOR YOU! I've been up and down with my weight for a while now and well, I'm turning 30 this summer so it's time to get serious about taking care of myself. So I'll be replacing some of my meals with "green smoothies" and I will let y'all know how it goes!! Wish me luck!!

I'm also reading this book, and it has a lot of information on learning to eat green foods and changing your lifestyle.  You can find it on

Friday, June 25, 2010

Back to basics

Back in the day (like 15 years ago maybe) my step-father gave me a 1979 Minolta 35 MM camera. I thought it was the coolest thing ever, and took lots of pictures with it. After neglecting my little hobby I decided to pick it up again. This old camera, even older now, has been patiently waiting for me to give it some attention for some time now. When I picked it up out of the rusted metal lunchbox it has been resting in, I noticed it still had a roll of film inside. I thought, "What in the world could be on this film??"
My Mother - with what she called a "Dorothy Hammel (sp?) Haircut"
My good friend Sarah - looking stylish in her fab "1990-ish" attire
And my beautiful grandmother - who hasn't changed a bit!

Sometimes the photos turn out grainy, and it's hard to capture the light. It's fun to play around with, though. It is possible to get a good picture with this camera. I have been playing with it this week and caught one of Lucy girl lounging.

She is pretty in the pink light, don't you think?

Until next time.. : )

Monday, June 21, 2010

Where does the time go??

Wow...I can't believe it's been 1 1/2 years since I logged in and posted anything here! I started thinking I might be ready to commit myself to this once again. Actually, I never committed to it in the first place, but it was a nice thought at the time! So, once again I will attempt another effort at blogging. I'm not sure where this will take me, but I've been bored lately and I need something constructive to keep meout of trouble.

I really love to write, actually. I have kept journals for years from everything to confessions and teenage woes, to life goals and "To Do" lists in my early twenties, to what I thought was "love" poems and my then latest level of mature outlooks on life. The difference between those writings and having a blog is HUGE! The biggest difference is that someone might actually read what I am writing on here! That is, if I actually have anyone ever follow me. Right now I have one follower, and that is my cousin. I'm not sure what happened to my mom. What does that say about my blog if my own mother doesn't even follow me?

So, as I start this new journey if anyone does end up following me I want to apologize for the gramatical errors that will surely add up as I try to re-polish my writing skills. It's actually a struggle to find the words to express myself without using "smileys" and "LOL" or "OMG" after every other sentence! I guess old habits die hard! So bear with me, please.